

Cool Springs Park - West Virginia

Cool Springs Park - West Virginia

How to Set Up Print Files

How to quickly setup print ready files in Adobe Illustrator

It is always advised that when designing a file that it to be printed, you start your project out in CMYK. 99% of our products, require that the artwork be submitted in CMYK 300dpi. If you design first in RGB then convert to CMYK – the color change can sometimes be quite obvious for example if your design has bright or neon greens or contains a lot of red. So as a rule of thumb, best to start with CMYK to avoid color shift issues.

Here is a quick step process to setting up your print ready file in Adobe Illustrator:

  1. Open Illustrator
  2. Click File, then New
  3. Set your print dimensions (green arrow) – this will most likely need to include bleed (see step 4)
  4. Make sure to include the appropriate bleed for your print product (red arrow) – if you are not sure of the bleed required for your specific print item, ASK. Not all printed products have the same bleeds.
  5. The following must be set to ensure print ready status – color mode to CMYK and Raster Effects (or resolution) to 300dpi or ppi
  6. Then click OK – you are now ready to start designing.

After your design is complete, make sure to save in a high-resolution jpg or pdf. If you are saving in a pdf make sure to embed all images and outline the fonts.

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