For Designers

Although we are happy to design most materials for you, here are some templates for designers to help assist them in how we require our printed items to be laid out and formatted. These are our most common templates requested. Please email us for any additional templates. Note - These templates are saved at a lower resolution to create smaller files - Most files must be at 300dpi / CMYK. Please double check your requirements for your print project and change template accordingly.


1.5" x 7" (Standard)

2" x 8" (European)


8.5" x 11" - Half Fold Horizontal - Inside

8.5" x 11" - Half Fold Horizontal - Outside

8.5" x 11" - Half Fold Vertical - Inside

8.5" x 11" - Half Fold Vertical - Outside

8.5" x 11" - Tri-Fold - Inside

8.5" x 11" - Tri-Fold - Outside

Business Cards

2" x 3.5" (Standard) - Vertical

2" x 3.5" (Standard) - Horizontal

2" x 3.5" (Standard - Round Corners) - Horizontal

2" x 3.5" (Standard - Round Corners) - Vertical

Business Card Magnets

2" x 3.5" (Standard) - Vertical

2" x 3.5" (Standard) - Horizontal


A-4 (4.25"x6.25") Invitation - Inside

A-4 (4.25"x6.25") Invitation - Outside

A-6 (4.75"x6.5") Announcement

A-7 (5.25"x7.25") Announcement - Inside

A-7 (5.25"x7.25") Announcement - Outside

#9 (3.875"x8.875") Commercial with Window - Inside

#9 (3.875"x8.875") Commercial with Window Outside

#9 (3.875"x8.875") Commercial - Inside

#9 (3.875"x8.875") Commercial - Outside

#10 (4.125” x 9.5”) Standard with Window - Inside

#10 (4.125” x 9.5”) Standard with Window - Outside

#10 (4.125x9.5”) Standard - Inside

#10 (4.125x9.5”) Standard - Outside


8.5”x11” - Vertical

8.5”x11” - Horizontal

5”x7” - Vertical

5”x7” - Horizontal


9”x12” - Standard - Left and right pockets without slits - Inside

9”x12” - Standard - Left and right pockets without slits - Outside


8.5"x11" - Vertical


4"x6" - Vertical

4"x6" - Horizontal

5"x7" - Vertical

5"x7" - Horizontal

Rack Cards

4"x9" - Vertical

4"x9" - Horizontal

Yard Signs

12"x18" - Horizontal

18"x24" - Horizontal


24"x36" - Horizontal